Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas are all set to tie the knot on December 2. The celebrations have already started at Jodhpur’s Umaid Bhawan Palace. We can’t wait for the couple’s look along with their wedding pictures. But do you know how did Nick propose to Priyanka and why is Priyanka still upset over a kiss with the ‘National Jiju‘?
It is commonly perceived that it was at Met Gala 2017 that Priyanka and Nick started dating. But their text flirtations began much before. It was in 2016 when Nick and Priyanka officially met for a drink at the Carlyle Hotel, New York. Priyanka revealed that after their meeting, she invited Nick to her apartment where her mother, Madhu Chopra was also present.
Talking about their love story, Priyanka and Nick revealed what happened when they met at her place. In an interview to a magazine, Priyanka Chopra said:
“We hung out for a couple of hours. He patted my back before he left.”
On this, Nick said:
“There was no kiss. There was nothing,”
We bet Priyanka was expecting a kiss but Nick being respectful couldn’t do that.
PeeCee revealed:
“There was a back pat.”
Nick said:
“She’s still upset about that, her mom was in the house. I thought it was a respectful first night.”
Later in the dating days, Nick was swept off his feet by Priyanka’s beauty and charm. And finally proposed her one day to which she said yes!
Eventually, after many speculations, Priyanka and Nick got officially engaged in a roka ceremony on August 18, 2018. And now their wedding festivities have started and they are all set to become husband and wife to each other.
We just can’t wait to see their wedding pictures! For now look at the beautiful wedding card.
This is when they reached the wedding destination.
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