Bollywood diva Priyanka Chopra and American singer Nick Jonas’s impending nuptials are the talk of the nation right now. As previously reported, the couple’s wedding functions will last for 5 days, from November 29 to December 3. The festivities will take place at the Taj Umaid Bhawan Palace in Jodhpur. And currently, the families and friends from the side are at the venue. The Sangeet ceremony is taking place on November 30, 2018.
Before the functions began, the media spotted Priyanka and Nick at the airport. The celebs happily posed for the paparazzi and made their way to the wedding venue. But it seems like for the time being these are only pics that’ll see the light of the day.
Check out Priyanka and Nick at the airport before their wedding festivities began:
Yes, none of the paparazzi will be able to get their hands on any of Priyanka Chopra’s wedding pics. And this is because the duo has struck a deal with an international magazine. Apparently, the magazine has the exclusive rights to all of Priyanka and Nick’s wedding pics. Can you guess the amount of money it took the magazine to buy the rights?
Well, as per reports the amount is a whopping $2.5 million. To ensure that the hotel staff don’t leak the pics, they have been sent on leave for a week. And now the members of the event management company which is organizing the wedding will fulfill their duties.
Not just this, since the magazine has complete rights, a strict no phones policy is being set at the venue. This means the guests at the wedding also won’t be able to use their phones to click wedding pictures.
And even the staff members at the wedding are only to communicate over basic feature phones. Now that’s definitely some major strictness, don’t you think?
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