Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas will soon embrace togetherness and we are already praying for their happiness. The upcoming bride and groom are currently in Jodhpur, enjoying the various pre-wedding ceremonies. The wedding will take place in Jodhpur’s Umaid Bhawan Palace. Now, the couple’s mehendi ceremony happened on December 29. The much personal affair saw the presence of all the near and dear ones from the bride and groom’s side. We know that you want to know more about Priyanka Chopra’s mehendi ceremony. Let us tell you the most interesting part, as per a digital media publication, there is a connection between mehendis of Priyanka and Aish.
You must be wondering how? Well, Priyanka’s mehandi was designed by Ritesh Aggarwal. Now, haven’t you heard this name somewhere before? Just try and think!
For those who have forgotten, in 2007 Ritesh had designed mehendi for Aishwarya and Abhishekh’s mehendi ceremony as well. The report further mentioned that about 5.5 kgs of mehendi was sent for Priyanka Chopra’s mehendi ceremony. Well, that’s a lot, isn’t it?
As per another media report, the duo will solemnize as per their respective traditions. Isn’t it super cute? It is going to be really awesome to see a Hindu and a Christian wedding! If you are one of their fans, then rest assured you have come to the right place as we will keep you updated with the same.
It wasn’t too long ago when we saw DeepVeer’s gorgeous wedding, and now it is Priyanka Chopra who is all set to be a beautiful bride. Furthermore, it is going to be really interesting to see what she opts to wear for her wedding. We are already looking forward to their wedding on December 2, are you looking forward to it too? Let us know in the comments!
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