SBI Logo: The Meaning Behind The Logo of India’s Most Trusted Bank

The blue and white SBI logo has been imprinted in our minds and is just as much synonymous with the trusted name of SBI. When we think of banks (at least in India), the name SBI is sure to come up in our minds. There’s hardly any household in India which would not have at least one bank account with this trusted centralized bank. Shortly called SBI instead of its long form, State Bank of India, this bank has been around since 1955. However, do we know the story and meaning behind the logo of one of the oldest banks in India? If not, let’s find out!

The SBI logo has been discussed and dissected at length. The interpretations around it are many but these three seem to be the most popular:

Unity and completeness

A popular interpretation of the logo is that  the big blue circle in the SBI logo stands for unity and completeness, whereas the white part represents the “common man” as an important part of the bank.

Safety and Security

Another interpretation is that the white part in the SBI logo stands for a keyhole, indicating safety and security.


Inspired from aerial view of Kankaria Lake

There’s also a certain segment of people who think the designer of the SBI logo took inspiration from the aerial view of Kankaria lake.


These interpretations were put to rest when Shekhar Kamat , the designer of the SBI logo revealed the real meaning behind it on Quora by declaring, “My thought was to design a simple logo. In those days, bank counters had round token with hole. So the idea was to shape a logo as simple as the token. The round blue shape was to signify strength, protecting your wealth. The colour blue was selected to match Indian sunny blue sky. Of course I didn’t write this (my inner idea) at the time of presentation of this design. Certainly inspiration didn’t came from Kankaria lake. Sorry to disappoint those who thought it did.”


With that, the confusion around the meaning of SBI logo has now forever been cleared. Would you like us to write about another logo? Please tell us in the comments section.



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