Filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma’s adult-themed movie Naked has become the latest victim of piracy website Tamilrockers. The movie, released on Shreyas ET and RGV World today, has been leaked by the infamous piracy website, Tamilrockers. Citing the success of his recently released thriller Climax featuring adult actor Mia Malkova, Ram Gopal Varma released yet another movie to entertain the audience amid the COVID-19 lockdown. Naked is available in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, and Hindi, making it the first movie to be released in the maximum number of languages on an OTT platform.
Starring newcomer Sweety in the lead role, the movie is receiving high appreciation from the audiences. Interestingly, the 22-minute duration movie became the talk of the town much before its release, with its recent trailer and poster release. Announcing the movie, Ram Gopal Varma had tweeted, “Naked a 22 mint film takes the cloths off Hypocrisy to expose the hidden emotions of everybody. Film releasing 27th June 9 pm.” The movie will be streamed on a pay-per-view model for which a viewer has to pay Rs 200 per view. Talking about Climax’s performance on the OTT platform, though the makers were only expecting 50K views, the movie engaged a whopping 2,75000 logins and 1,68,600 views within 12 hours of release. The final estimation read 2,89,565 views. Source
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