Are Indians Right To Call Trevor Noah’s Joke On Indo-Pak Tension Insensitive And Offensive?

Those who love gobbling up the international satirical comedy are already familiar with Trevor Noah. For the uninitiated, he is a South African comedian and political commentator who presently hosts a television show called The Daily Show. It is an American program where the news is presented in a satirical way. Generally funny but recently he failed to understand the intensity of the Indo-Pak tension situation.

As the world is aware, the neighboring countries are presently at a standoff and the threat of war is imminent. The comedian not only undermined the severity of the situation but took stereotypical racial jibs too.



Wondering what he said about the Indo-Pak tension? Well, take a look at the video:



Yes, he said that if India and Pakistan decided to declare war on each other then it will be the most ‘entertaining’ one. How can WAR ever be entertaining?



He is seen mocking the sound of war cry imitating the way Punjabi songs are sung. Quite inconsiderately he further added that it will be the longest war in history too as people will have to wait for ‘dance number’.



Agreed there are Indians who get offended at the slightest jokes. However, most of the social media savvy Indians have the capacity to laugh at themselves. This joke by Trevor Noah on Indo-Pak tension, however, crosses the line where it stops being funny. On the contrary, this is very offensive and disregards the present situation which is extremely serious, to say the least.



Indians were quick to react to this racist and inconsiderate joke. Here is how they reacted:







Sadly, there were few who thought it is amusing that he is making fun of India. Here are some of the comments:





This time we cannot help but agree with the Twitterati that this comment is not only uncomfortable but absolutely insensitive. What do you think about Trevor Noah’s joke on Indo-Pak tension? Share with us in the comments.

The post Are Indians Right To Call Trevor Noah’s Joke On Indo-Pak Tension Insensitive And Offensive? appeared first on TopYaps.

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